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Pozitive Pathways is a registered charity that provides support, education and outreach services for people living with, affected by, or at-risk of HIV and or Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Our services span the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent counties.

Since 1988, Pozitive Pathways (previously The AIDS Committe of Windsor) has evolved and diversified to address the emerging needs of our community. Our staff, peers and volunteers provide in-reach and outreach services to clients and service users through our Support Service and Needle Syringe programs. Additionally, we provide prevention education and resources to community members and service providers working with populations that are most vulnerable to HIV and or HCV transmission.

Greater Involvement

Pozitive Pathways proudly stands in solidarity with The Ontario Accord. We affirm that Greater Involvement of People with HIV (GIPA) concerns us all who live with, work in, and are affected by, HIV. GIPA therefore engages people living with HIV and their allies in a culture of inclusion intended to foster an expanding approach that embraces HIV Positive individuals in all their diversity and circumstances and includes those affected by HIV and all allies 1.

To learn more about how you can become involved with Pozitive Pathways, click here.

1 Network, O. A. (n.d.). The Ontario Accord. Retrieved September 02, 2015, from Ontario AIDS Network:


Our programs and services would not be possible without the funding received from the following:

Strategic Plan

We encourage you to review our strategic priorities for 2015 – 2022 and annual report by clicking on the links provided below:

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